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Last Updated: Mon Jan 27 11:18:09 UTC 2014


by Air Commodore E J Bushell AM RAAF (Retd)

The following papers were written by Air Commodore Ted Bushell over the past few years in an attempt to stimulate informed debate on the directions that the Department of Defence and the Services have taken as a result of the structural changes imposed, principally, by the Tange Review, the Wrigley Review, and the Defence Efficiency Review (DER) and Defence Reform Programme (DRP).

The papers have now been reviewed and updated to make them relevant to the situation as at June of 2006. While some dwell upon the RAAF's reduced capabilities, many of the points raised are of long-term interest, intended more to reflect upon how the current situation arose.

It is hoped that the papers may be of interest to those who share concerns for the manner in which the Department of Defence has developed since 1974, and the current difficulties that are being encountered in managing defence matters.


  1. The Tange and Subsequent Reorganisations - An Overview.
  2. Some Thoughts on Australia's Defence Capabilities.
  3. Some Thoughts on Directions in the Management of Defence.
  4. Defence Structural Changes and the RAAF.
  5. What Happened to the RAAF's Engineer Branch?
  6. The Need for an Engineer Chief in the RAAF - A Short Paper.
  7. What Happened to the RAAF's Supply Branch?

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