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Last Updated: Mon Jan 27 11:18:09 UTC 2014

Russian/Soviet/WarPac Ground Based ECM Systems

Technical Report APA-TR-2009-0501

by Dr Carlo Kopp, AFAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng
May 2009
Updated June, 2009
Updated April, 2012
Text, Line Art © 2009 - 2012 Carlo Kopp

The Kvant SPN-2,3,4 Heart Ache family of mobile jammers are designed to deny surveillance using radars in the 2 to 4 centimetre wavelength bands, with additional capabilities against terrain following and terrain avoidance radars operating in the same bands (Images © Miroslav Gyűrösi).


Russia's defence industry continues to actively export a wide range of ground based electronic countermeasures systems, spanning both communications jammers and radar jammers, the latter mostly optimised for the defeat of airborne ISR systems.

Due to the technically sensitive nature of EW, public disclosures on the technical parameters of these designs are often limited. With the availability of GaAs components, DRFM technology, and COTS processing, we can expect to see deep upgrades to a number of these systems in coming years.

US DoD Frequency Chart.

Electronic CounterMeasures Systems

Kvant SPN-2 / 1RL248-2 High Power Ku-Band Radar Jammer

Target Emitters: SLARs, Attack Radars, TFRs

Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

The SPN-2 (1RL248-2) Heart Ache noise jamming system is designed to deny enemy reconnaissance and observation of area and small-size ground objects by airborne side-looking radars, air-to-surface guided weapons control radars, as well as navigation and low-altitude flight control radars.

The SPN-2 system can suppress two side-looking radars, or two low-altitude flight control radars, or up to six weapons control radars in two directions simultaneously. Suppression can be carried out depending on the antenna beam width: within a 10x45-deg sector (narrow beam mode) or a 45x45-deg sector (wide beam mode).

Types of jamming signals:
  • quasi-continuous noise/masking jamming of either selective (6 to 19 MHz) or barrage (260 to 270 MHz) type;
  • repeater noise jamming, if the hostile radar being suppressed operates in the pulse-topulse frequency agility mode.

Equipment Composition:
  • antenna vehicle with antenna-feeder system and associated equipment
  • combat control vehicle fitted with communications, data transmission, testing and recording systems
  • electric power supply system including a 60 kW diesel generator and industrial electric converter

All components of the SPN-2 jamming system are mounted on a self-propelled high-mobility wheeled chassis, and are operated by a crew of five.

Kvant SPN-3 / 1RL248-3 High Power X-Band Radar Jammer

Target Emitters: SLARs, Attack Radars

The SPN-3 Heart Ache is a derivative of the Ku-band SPN-2 jammer, built to operate in the 3 centimetre band. The systems share a considerable amount of hardware, but differ in the RF components of the designs. Cited band coverage is 8.5 to 10.2 GHz[3].

Kvant SPN-4 / 1RL248-4 High Power X-Band Radar Jammer

Target Emitters: SLARs, Attack Radars

The SPN-4 Heart Ache is a derivative of the Ku-band SPN-2 jammer, built to operate in the 4 centimetre band. The systems share a considerable amount of hardware, but differ in the RF components of the designs. Cited band coverage is 6.0 to 8.5 GHz.

Основные характеристики:
Performance Specifications:
Рабочий диапазон частот
Operating frequency range


Суммарная мощность, излучаемая передатчиком, Вт
Total Emitted Power [W]


Дальность, км:
Range [km]


airborne radar emitter detection

не менее 150

определения параметров системы и класса РЛС
emitter identification and classification

не менее 80

подавления РЛС УО
fire control radar

не менее 40-60

подавления РЛС ОПМВ
terrain following radar

не менее 30-50

Пределы работы по угловым координатам, град:
Angular range [deg]


по азимуту
in azimuth


по углу места
in elevation

от -2,5 до +45
(узкая диаграмма направленности/narrow beam)
от -7,5 до +78
(широкая диаграмма направленности/wide beam)

Ширина сектора одновременной работы, град:
Field of regard [deg]


по азимуту
in azimuth


по углу места
in elevation


Точность определения средней частоты спектра принимаемого сигнала, МГц
Mean spectral accuracy [MHz]

не хуже 3,5
no worse than 3.5

Ширина спектра, маскирующего помехи, МГц:
Jamming bandwidth [MHz]


прицельной по частоте
spot jamming


barrage jamming


Число РЛС, подавляемых одновременно:
Number of emitters jammed:


Multimode radar


Terrain following radar


Fire control radar


Время задержки выдачи ответной помехи с момента приема сигнала перестраиваемой по частоте РЛС, мкс
Response time against frequency hopping emitter [µs]

не более 15

Максимальное время непрерывной работы, ч
Maximum duration of continuous operation [hr]


Напряжение питания от сети переменного тока, В:
Mains power consumption [W]


частотой 400 Гц (от собственного генератора)
onboard 400 Hz generator


частотой 50 Гц
50 Hz mains


Потребляемая мощность, кВт
Power consumption [kW]


SPN-30 High Power X-Band Radar Jammer

Target Emitters: SLARs, Attack Radars, TFRs

Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

The upgraded SPN-30 Paint Box noise jamming system is designed to deny enemy reconnaissance and observation of area and small-size ground objects by airborne side-looking radars (SLAR/SAR), air-to-surface fire control radars, as well as navigation and low-altitude terrain following radars.

The SPN-30 system provides the following modes:
  • interrupted CW
  • pulse train or repeater
  • spectrally matched noise jamming
Performance Specifications
Диапазон рабочих частот, ГГц
Operating frequency range, GHz
Энергетический потенциал, дБ (Вт):
Power output rating [dBW]:
при узкой диаграмме направленности
narrow beam mode
при широкой диаграмме направленности
wide beam mode
Эквивалентная чувствительность при приеме сигналов, дБ (Вт):
Receiver sensitivity [dBW]
менее 100 мкс
less than 100 [µs]
более 100 мкс
greater  than 100 [µs]
Динамический диапазон сигналов, дБ не менее
Signal Dynamic Range [dB], no less than
Параметры анализируемых сигналов:
Analysed Signal Parameters
простых импульсных:
basic pulse:
по длительности, мкс
duration [µs]
по частоте повторения, кГц
at PRF [kHz]
сложных ЛЧМ с крутизной внутриимпульсной модуляции:
Complex linear FM chirped pulse modulation:
по длительности, мкс
duration [µs]
по частоте повторения, кГц
at PRF [kHz]
Крутизна внутриимпульсной перестройки частоты, МГц/мкс
Chirp rate [MHz/µs]
≤ 3
Поляризация на прием и передачу
Receive/Transmit Polarisation
Пределы работы, град.:
Angular range [deg]
по азимуту
по углу места
Боевой расчет, чел.

Kvant SPN-40/SPN-40M2 / 1RL238 High Power Ku-Band Radar Jammer

Upgraded Kvant SPN-40M2 counter-ISR and TFR jammer (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

Target Emitters: SLARs, Attack Radars, TFRs

The SPN-40 Dog Cart was specifically developed as a Ku-band noise and deception jammer intended to defeat NATO fighter bomber Terrain Following Radars (Tornado / F-111), but also other airborne emitters operating in the same Ku-band.

Performance Characteristics
Диапазон рабочих частот, МГц
Operating Frequency Range [MHz]
13333 - 17544
Класс РЛС УО, БО, ОПМВ / SLAR, Fire Control, TFR
Виды принимаемых сигналов
Waveform Types Received
Простые импульсные сигналы
Basic pulsed
квазинепрерывные сигналы
Interrupted CW
непрерывные сигналы
Linear Chirped Pulse
Phase modulated frequency hopping
Виды формируемых помех
Jamming Modes
Квазинепрерывные шумовые прицельные по частоте маскирующие по дальности
Излучаемая мощность,Вт
Radiated Power [W]
не менее 600
not less than 600
Потребляемая мощность, кВт
Power Consumption [kW]

Above: SPN-40M2 upgraded steerable emitter array, below: poster image of SPN-40M2 stowed for redeployment (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

Pelena-1 High Power S-Band Counter-AWACS Radar Jammer

Target Emitters: APY-1/APY-2 E-3 AWACS

Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

The Pelena-1 jamming system is designed to jam airborne early warning radars of AWACS-type aircraft.

The system denies detection by AEW radars of the protected installations with radar cross-sections of up to 15 sq.m. It is effective at a range of 50-80 km from installations protected and up to 250 km from radars being jammed.


P-02 powerplant trailer

P-03 control trailer

5E96 electric power station

spare parts, tools and accessories kit

cable sets

operational documentation

Pelena-6 Communications Jammer

Pelena 6 jammer installed on a BTR-70 IFV chassis at MAKS 2009 (© 2009 Vitaliy V. Kuzmin).

A range of frequencies      20 - 1000 МГц 20 - 1000 MHz
Выходная мощность
Power Output     не менее 60 Вт not less than 60 W

Количество литер
Number Liter     4 4

Вес передающего устройства
Weight transmitting device     не более 18 кг. not more than 18 kg.

Конструктивное исполнение
Embodiment     Специальный металлический корпус с дополнительными кронштейнами для крепления штатного бронижелета с целью защиты изделия в боевых условиях.
Special metal housing with additional bracket for mounting a full-bronizheleta to protect products in combat conditions.

Габаритные размеры Dimensions     380х290х270 мм. 380h290h270 mm.
Электропитание от бортсети Power of bortseti     12(+3; -1,2) В или 24 (+6, -2,4) В. 12 (3, -1,2) or 24 (+6, -2.4) V.
Потребляемая мощность Power     не более 450 Вт not more than 450 W

Signal Topol E High Power UHF-Band Counter-AEW&C Radar Jammer

The Topol E is available in two configurations, the first is a transportable system carried in two shelters, the second a mobile system carried by three Ural-4320-31 trucks.

Target Emitters: APS-120/125/138/139/145 E-2C Hawkeye

Manufactured by the Signal Stavropol Radio Plant, the Topol E is a specialised Counter-ISR jammer developed to defeat variants of the US Navy E-2C Hawkeye AEW&C system.

Two subtypes are available, intended to defeat various configurations of the E-2 series:

Variant 1: Effective against the AN/APS-120,-125,-138,-139 radars;
Variant 2: Effective against the AN/APS-120,-125,-138,-139, -145 radars;

Комплектация поставки НСП

Станция изготавливается в двух комплектах поставки согласно таблице.

Наименование Кол-во
Комплект поставки 1 СЖКИ.462723.008
1 Контейнер аппаратный СЖКИ.468157.031 1 шт.
2 Модуль жизнеобеспечения СЖКИ.468364.089 1 шт.
3 Электростанция ЭД 3 0-Т400-1РПМ2 ЖШТИ.561234.022 1 шт.
4 Имитатор сигналов СЖКИ.464217.003 1 шт.
5 ЗИП одиночный СЖКИ.468157.031 ЗИ 1 комплект
6 Эксплуатационная документация СЖКИ.468157.031 ЭД 1 комплект
  Состав контейнера аппаратного: антенная система с приводом вращения; аппаратура обнаружения, пеленгования, селекции и воспроизведения; выходные усилители мощности; выносной пульт управления; средства.  
Комплект поставки 2 СЖКИ.462723.008-01
1 Машина аппаратная на шасси автомобиля «Урал-4320-31» сжки.468157.031-01 1 шт.
2 Модуль жизнеобеспечения на шасси автомобиля «Урал-4320-31» СЖКИ.468364.089-01 1 шт.
3 Электростанция ЭФ-2х30Т4001РА на шасси автомобиля «Урал-4320-31» 1 шт.
4 Имитатор сигналов СЖКИ.464217.003 1 шт.
5 ЗИП одиночный СЖКИ.468157.031-01 ЗИ 1 комплект
6 Эксплуатационная документация СЖКИ.462723.008-01 ЭД 1 комплект

Состав машины аппаратной: антенная система с приводом вращения; аппаратура обнаружения, пеленгования, селекции и воспроизведения; выходные усилители мощности; выносной пульт управления; средства оперативно-командной связи. Состав машины электропитания: два дизель-генератора (основной и резервный); пульт контроля и управления; средства оперативно-командной связи.

Технические характеристики

Тактико-технические характеристики Значения параметров для вариантов поставки станции помех
1 2
Диапазон рабочих частот B B
Энергетический потенциал помехи, кВт не менее 40 не менее 80
Эквивалентная чувствительность дБ (Вт), не хуже минус 90
Динамический диапазон входных сигналов, дБ, не менее 70
Максимальное удаление НСП от подавляемой РЛС, км 250
Расстояние от РЛС до границы зоны прикрытия самолетов при максимальном удалении РЛС от НСП, км, не более 80 80
Сектор подавления в азимутальной плоскости относительно главного луча диаграммы направленности РЛС, град. ±25 ±45
Количество одновременно подавляемых РЛС 1
Пределы работы станции по угловым координатам, град.:
  • по азимуту (относительно продольной оси контейнера)
  • по углу места
  • ±85
    от 0,6 до 5
    Время непрерывной работы, ч, не менее 24
    Потребляемая мощность, кВт:
  • в режиме разведки
  • в режиме подавления

  • не более 10
    не более 20

    не более 10
    не более 25
    Условия эксплуатации: температура окружающего воздуха, С° от -40 до +50

    Ural 4320-21 truck used for mobile variant of Topol E jammer (Avtomobilniy Zavod Ural).

    1L245 Ground-Based Weapons Control Radar Suppression System

    Target Emitters: Attack Radars

    Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

    The 1L245 radar suppression system is designed to protect friendly ground installations, weapons and other materiel, including small-size materiel, from electronic reconnaissance by airborne radars.

    The system provides electronic suppression of the main antenna directional lobe of airborne target acquisition radars making part of reconnaissance/strike systems and operating in the terrain-mapping and moving target selection modes, as well as tactical aircraft radars including side-looking radars


    • equipment, including primary power source, mounted on a single MT-LBU-1 chassis
    • single spare parts, tools and accessories kit
    • operating equipment set

    R-330B/R-330T Automated VHF Jamming System (Upgraded Version)

    R-330U Automated VHF Jamming System

    Partially deployed antenna on a Hungarian Army R-330U jammer, carried on a Ural 375 truck. The rectangular housing is used to stow the antenna (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

    Target Emitters: VHF band communications 30 - 60 MHz (U); 30 - 100 MHz (T/B) against AM, FM, CW, SSB, ISB, FSK, PSK modulations.

    The R-330U family of 1 kiloWatt VHF band communications jammers was developed by TNIIR Efir. The design operates in two subbands, 30 - 42 MHz and 42 - 60 MHz, with the upgraded R-300T/B variants extended to 100 MHz. Older variants were supplied on the Ural 375 chassis, newer wheeled variants on the KAMAZ 43101 or Ural 43203-31 / К2-4320 6 x 6 chassis, with the MTLBu tracked variant also remaining on offer. The system is powered either by a towed ED-30 (ЭД30-Т400-1РПМ1) diesel generator or mains grid power converter.

    Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

    The upgraded R-330B/R-330T VHF jamming system is designed for detection, direction-finding and jamming of VHF communication facilities operated at tactical command level at fixed frequencies with conventional waveforms, in programmed and automatic frequency tuning modes, as well as for transmitting short encoded messages. The jamming system provides analysis and selection of emitters’ signal parameters.


    The R-330B/R-330T VHF jamming system consists of an equipment vehicle on a wheeled (R-330T) or tracked (R-330B) chassis, a diesel electric power station mounted on a two-axle trailer (R-330T), or MT-Lbu armoured tracked chassis (R-330B), a set of operational documentation, and a single spare parts, tools and accessories set.

    R-330U Specifications
    Диапазон рабочих частот, МГц: 30,0 - 60,0
    Мощность передатчика, кВт: 1,0
    Скорость панорамного обзора частотного диапазона МГц/сек: до 7000
    Среднеквадратичная ошибка пеленгования, град.: 2,5
    Количество квазиодновременно обслуживаемых целей при подавлении: до 6
    Определение координат источника радиоизлучений при работе в паре
    Обнаружение сигналов с ППРЧ, ск/с: до 1000
    - подавление, ск/с: до 300
    Экипаж, чел: 4
    Время розверт. 70 мин
    Аппаратура размещена в кузове-фургоне на шасси автомобиля повышенной проходимости КАМАЗ-43101, старый парк - УРАЛ-375
    Электропитание возможно от следующих источников:

    - промышленная сеть 220/380 В 50 Гц.

    - дизельная электростанция ЭД-30 на двухосном прицепе (ЭД30-Т400-1РПМ1)
    Габариты, мм 8600 х 2600 х 3845
    Вес, кг 18120
    Source: http://kvantsait.ucoz.ru/publ/1-1-0-20

    Deployed antenna on a Hungarian Army R-330U jammer, above and below (images © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

    Deployed configuration of the KAMAZ hosted R-330T and MTLBu hosted R-330B VHF band communications jammers. Note the height of the telescoping mast system.

    New build R-330T hosted on the Ural 43203-31 / К2-4320 6 x 6 chassis, stowed with generator in tow, and deployed (Efir images).

    New build R-330T interior. The COTS digital hardware displaces the hardwired analogue components of the legacy R-330U series (Efir images).

    R-934B/BM VHF/UHF Aircraft Communications Automatic Jamming Station

    R-934B on Ural 4320 (images © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

    The R-934B jammer is intended to disrupt airborne voice and data communications channels operating in the VHF and UHF bands. The system is available in two configurations, either carried on an MT-LBU tracked chassis, or a Ural 4320-31 series 6 x 6 truck with a K1-4320 chassis, using a 16 kW towed generator.

    R-934B jammer carried on the MT-LBU tracked chassis.

    A stowed R-934B system.

    R-934B on Ural 4320 in desert camouflage (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

    Electronic Warfare C3 / Command Posts

    Russian doctrine for the operation of EW assets in air defence applications employs a centrally controlled model. A Panorama sector Command Post controls one or more Kordon-60 Command Posts, each of which is tied to an 85V6 Orion/Vega Emitter Locating System, and a group of jammers.

    Air defence sector ELINT and EW battalion structure.

    Kvant AKUP-1 / 1L213M Automated Jammer Control System

    Rosoboronexport Description (Cite):

    The AKUP-1 (1L213M) automated jammer control system is designed to control operation of a group of jamming stations of three jamming companies.

    Each jamming company can comprise up to nine jamming stations (six SPN-4s and three SPN-2s) and one automated control post.


    The AKUP-1 automated jammer control system comprises one AKPB automated battalion command post and three APUR automated company control post. Each post incorporates:
    • a command vehicle;
    • a communications vehicle;
    • an electric powerplant (a 2x16-kW diesel generator and an industrial power converter);
    • a spare parts, tools and accessories kit (one for the whole system).
    The jamming companies operation is coordinated by the automated battalion command post.

    The AKUP-1 jammer control system is fitted with the automatic testing and fault-finding equipment capable of tracing malfunctions to individual line replaceable units. It can operate reliably with temperatures ranging from -50oC to +40oC and relative air humidity of up to 98%.

    The AKPB and APUR control posts are manned with seven- and six-person crews respectively.


    1. ФГУП "ПО "Квант", 173001 Россия, Великий Новгород, ул. Большая Санкт-Петербургская, 73, URL: http://kvant.natm.ru/product/
    2. Ставропольский радиозавод «Сигнал», Россия, 355037, г. Ставрополь, 2-й Юго-Западный проезд, 9А, URL: http://www.signalrp.ru/
    3. J.C. Wise, Radar Emitter DataBase (REDB), URL: http://www.radars.org.uk/

    Imagery Sources: Kvant, Rosoboronexport, Russian MoD

    Technical Report APA-TR-2009-0501

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