Dr Hallion graduated from the
University of Maryland
in 1970. He has broad experience in science and technology museum
development, research and management analysis, and has served as a
consultant to various professional organizations. He has flown as a
mission observer in a range of military and civilian fixed and
rotary-wing aircraft. Dr. Hallion is the author and editor of numerous
books relating to aerospace technology and military operations, as well
as articles and essays for a variety of professional journals.
Dr. Richard P. Hallion served as
Senior Adviser for Air
and Space Issues, Directorate for Security, Counterintelligence and
Special Programs Oversight, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. He was
responsible for analysis and insight regarding the conceptualization,
evolution and utilization of sensitive national technological programs
and related subject areas.
Since his retirement from government service he has remained active as
a historian with the Smithsonian Institution, and continues to lecture
on military aviation topics.